What do you want to work on?
Treat the root cause of your concern. Get ready of an experience offering focused attention and a dive deep into your health. While working together, you will be guided on how best to support Inflammation, Digestion, Hormones or Sports Foundations, while addressing your main concern and helping to resolve health issues from the inside out.

Naturopathic Modalities
Your sessions might include any combination of the following treatment options:​
Nutrition and Lifestyle Health Coaching
IV Vitamin Therapy
Vitamin muscular injections
Physical Therapies & bodywork
Supplement recommendations
Exercise and Sports nutrition
Lab work and Functional Testing
Bioidentical Hormone Prescription
Acupuncture (full body and dry needling)
FAQ: Common questions naturopaths get asked.
How are Naturopathic Doctors Trained?
Can a Naturopathic Doctor work with my Family Doctor?
So, are you covered by OHIP?